Episode 4: Capitola Discusses Future of the Rail Corridor

On January 11, 2018 the Capitola City Council held a public meeting to discuss the future the Santa Cruz Branch Line rail corridor as it passes through the city of Capitola.  The council heard from advocates for a rail-with-trail (as specified in the Monterey Bay Scenic Sanctuary Trail plan) as well as though preferring a trail-only solution (as advocated by the folks at TrailNow and the Santa Cruz County Greenway). The meeting was packed – it was standing room only before the meeting commenced, which shows the high amount of interest in the future of the Santa Cruz rail corridor.  Many of the speakers did not live in Capitola, although owned businesses, work in, or visit the area frequently.  Many good points were raised by the speakers and by the audience. If you want to learn more about the issues surrounding the use of this valuable community asset, listening to this meeting is a great way to start.

You can also watch the video of this presentation on AptosCommunityNews.org